Sunday, August 5, 2007

House Passes Changes in Eavesdropping Program

"Despite the political risks, many Democrats argued they should stand firm against the initiative, saying it granted the administration far too much latitude to initiate surveillance without judicial review."

Of course, if Congress is serious about taking a stand against surveillance without judicial review, they could start by taking J. Edgar Hoover's name off of all federal buildings including FBI headquarters. He was notorious for domestic surveillance of just about any political figure. Robert Kennedy also approved FBI wiretapping of Martin Luther King, Jr., but Democrats don't talk about that much. Nor do they talk much about the ECHELON program that Democrat leaders, including presidents, have known of and utilized for years. But Dems publicly used low technology means against Rep. John Boehner (R) in the famous Rep. Jim McDermott (D) case. Americans should sleep soundly knowing that no one cares about their personal communications, unless you are a politician or are in contact with known members of AQ.

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