Friday, August 3, 2007

From Chicago! - Nutroots Candidates' Celebration

I've decided to begin a blog to observe the Nutroot bloggers around the web. We've all seen these guys over at and at other sites, and I think the net is listing to the left a bit. That's right, the weight and balance of the WWW is off. When the Democratic Leadership Council gets snubbed in favor of the Kos Netroots (sic) folks' YearlyKos convention, things are bad. When Progressives take over the Democrat party from the Liberals (yes, there is a difference and P is far left of the L here) and the Nuts from around the web drag the party further left, we have a situation. So, we need to talk. That's what this blog is about. A daily dose of conservative thought. We will talk more about this non-ideology later.

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